Banff Springs Hotel staff reunion website
"Friendships formed in minutes that seemed they'd last a lifetime - but sadly didn't."
"Funny how I can't remember what I had for lunch, but those times are burned into my memory."
Quoted from: Steve Fowler, BSH 1980, from Saint John NB.
Soap bar. Circa 1980's.
Remember Moo's Place, the Beanery and Gorbys? Did you live in the Upper or Lower Annex? Did You Ever Find the Hotel's 'Lost' Guest Room?? *
Welcome: This website is divided into several sections, and you are invited to contribute to any part. Feel free to leave an anecdote with a photo. Remember to include your name, year(s) you worked there and position on staff. Email us with your contribution. We will update the site as things develop, but you might need to be patient as we each have lives keeping us somewhat busy. :) Cheers, All correspondence:
Important PRIVACY Notice: 1. Your email address will NOT be available to others, unless you indicate otherwise. 2. Remember: If you wish to retain privacy simply open a free email account with Yahoo or Hotmail, and communicate via there. In addition, if you like you are welcome to post that Yahoo or Hotmail address on the website for others to contact you.
= Contributions made.
6. Post-1990's
1. 2007 Staff Reunion Website - An outstanding and excellent BSH reference website. With numerous historical photos, reunion photos and many memories. Note: The most recent reunion was held in 2013. 2. (Pages from a former employee)
Above: The published history by Bart Robinson, 1973. Left, hardcover. Right softcover.
Above: 2004 PBS documentary with detailed highlights of BSH history and architecture.
Includes interview with Bart Robinson. Highly recommended DVD.
Above: 1950's postcard. Overlooking Bow River.
Above: Stereoview, circa 1900.
Above: c1930 Byron Harmon BSH souvenir postcard.
*What was that about a 'lost' guest room? According to Banff Springs: The Story of a Hotel (B. Robinson, 1973, Summerthought), there are two references to such a room: In 1912, during building of the centre tower, the construction crew realised a guest room had been accidentally plastered over, and it was quickly rectified when they punched through the wall and found the room. However, a second reference is much more intriguing... After the 1928 additions, it is reported that a room, without a window, was sealed off as it offered no useful function. It is located somewhere near the junction of the north wing and the centre tower. The construction crew who completed the task are long since gone...
Above, 1983 Banff publication.